Strategic Planning

Management Consulting Services Competition has been growing more fiercely over the past decade. This has led to companies failing to meet their growth targets and others being squeezed out of the market by smarter competitors. The onset of technology and internet driven solutions has led to more dynamic business processes, extensive global sourcing of goods and services and availability of more solutions for customers than at any other time in the recent past. This calls for strategies and business plans that best position businesses to operate in this highly volatile, competitive and uncertain business environment. We provide clients with strategic and business planning services including development of plans for new companies, evaluation of previous strategic plans and support and advisory for strategic and business plan implementation.

We specialize in;
  • Strategic and technical advisory services at pre-planning, planning and execution phase of your business projects
  • Development of operational plans that align to the company’s strategic perspectives, resource capacity and changes in the market
  • Facilitation of strategy sessions with board members, management teams and implementing staff to ensure clarity at all levels of the organization, embed ownership of strategic goals and cross functional accountability that is so critical to success of strategic plan executions
  • Facilitation of business planning and coaching sessions for business owners and senior management teams
  • Medium term reviews or strategic plans and business plans
  • Strategic planning and business planning training and capacity development for business owners, board members and management teams
  • We offer hands on support for strategic and business plan implementation
  • Advisory and support for development and implementation of change programmes in organizations. Our team applies a systematic change model based on the Lewin’s 3 stage change process

We offer unbiased business evaluation, identify problem areas and provide you with well thought out strategic innovative solutions that are specific to your actual needs to minimize risk and increase possibilities allowing you to dedicate your time on other managerial roles

Come & Say Hi,

Our offices are open Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

  • Victory House, Garden Estate Road, P.O. Box 17924 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

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